Another day, another permanent blow to our government’s capacity to function. Federal workers are flooding r/fednews with reports of entire GSA departments gutted overnight. As usual, DOGE announced this almost-certainly-unconstitutional mass firing late at night: employees are coming to work and discovering they no longer have a job.
The General Service Administration, which is responsible for leasing and managing government buildings, acquiring various supplies and equipment, and providing IT support, is one of the first agencies DOGE took over. It makes sense that this agency would be one of the first to experience the threatened mass purges likely to hit other government agencies over the days and weeks ahead: purges not only of employees but of entire divisions. A permanent reduction in government capacity.
In these times of opacity, one of the best places to go for what’s really happening are forums where actual workers are talking anonymously. r/fednews has become a gathering point for federal employees dealing with the fallout of DOGE’s destruction of the American government: both the people actually fired and the people coping with the uncertainty and dread everyone who works for the government is experiencing right now.
“Whole shops got abolished, (including vets with 10pt pref. Myself included) no transition of duties, I was on a bunch of things not even any mention of how it should be handled. Just an after work email,” one post reads.
According to r/fednews, destroyed GSA agencies include:
Office of Mission Support and Performance Improvement regional offices (region 11)
Sustainability Program Managers (regions 9, 3)
Public Building Service (PBS) Design and Construction (regions 9, 11, 3)
PBS Portfolio Management (regions 5, 3)
Spatial Data Management
PBS Facilities Management (regions 9, 5, 3)
Industrial hygienists
Environmental hygienists
Facilities Management and Services Program
PBS Leasing
Leasing Realty Specialists (regions 4, 9, 3)
Leasing Project Managers (regions 4, 3, region 9 field offices)
Lease Contracting Officer (regions 4, 3)
PBS Office of the Chief Architect
Center for Fine Arts (entirely RIF'd)
Historic Buildings (mostly RIF'd?)
PBS Capital Project Delivery regional offices
(Comment: “What are the chances these morons spotted "PBS" and think they're cutting Big Bird?)
“Regions” in this list refers to specific areas of the country. Here’s a map of which region is where:
“Historic preservationist and archeologist here,” one comment reads. “Do y’all know it’s legally required for any new construction or ground disturbance to go through archaeological review…there are likely about 4 people left to deal with the entirety of the country”
“Lawsuit!!! We need to begin getting ourselves ready to move forward with it!!” says another commenter. The top reply: “Court locations lost their own GSA people too.” This is why GSA was at the top of the list, by the way. Building maintenance and procurement may not sound important, but the government requires physical space to function
Note: This news came across my desk as I was recording audio for What The Hell Is Going On? Part 2. Expect that in your mailbox within the next few hours
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments
I agree with Laura 100% - you just know these know-nothings thought thought they were killing Public Broadcasting with the "PBS" cuts. A bunch of know-nothings are deciding who lives or dies based on "contains text" searches.