I really like this idea and I'm going with it next time. "Journalist" never feels quite right, honestly: I do journalism sometimes but not all the time, and whatever this sort of thing is, it feels much closer to that chronicle of dystopia than journalism writ large And yeah, they will VASTLY prefer "writer." It will amuse them.
I really like this idea and I'm going with it next time. "Journalist" never feels quite right, honestly: I do journalism sometimes but not all the time, and whatever this sort of thing is, it feels much closer to that chronicle of dystopia than journalism writ large
And yeah, they will VASTLY prefer "writer." It will amuse them.
I really like this idea and I'm going with it next time. "Journalist" never feels quite right, honestly: I do journalism sometimes but not all the time, and whatever this sort of thing is, it feels much closer to that chronicle of dystopia than journalism writ large
And yeah, they will VASTLY prefer "writer." It will amuse them.