My GF is on Medicaid and SSDI (saved her life, breast cancer.). Has section 8 housing. I fear I may be responsible for my actions if anything. Happens to her because of this shit. *Insert picture of Kneeling Gaul here*
You found the words for what I felt in reaction to The Salute, and what I think it presaged for the coming months. Was it intended as a Nazi salute? Was it intended as an awkward my heart-goes-out gesture? The answer is: whatever you need it to have been in order to support your increasingly personal reality and feel *inarguably* correct.
The fact that the media coverage that exists is mostly reporting the order as halted when it's actually not is extremely unnerving. As is the radio silence from Congress, even though it's their powers he's shitting on and steamrolling. The lack of clarity combined with the lack of urgency is giving me the kind of slow motion sensation you get right before impact in a really bad collision. Our functional democracy has been dropped into the abyss but we won't be told what the results are until the echo sounds. Too late.
Perfect analogy considering Schrodinger's experiment specifies a mechanism that releases poison when a random decay event occurs. ☣️
I always appreciate your commentary and analysis of events. Thank you. We need more journalists like you.
You are so valuable. Thank you for this.
My GF is on Medicaid and SSDI (saved her life, breast cancer.). Has section 8 housing. I fear I may be responsible for my actions if anything. Happens to her because of this shit. *Insert picture of Kneeling Gaul here*
Good insights.
Not to pile on with the parade of horribles, but I also just read this remarkably frightening description of what Musk is doing at Treasury:
Special thanks to the Supreme Court for passing the Enabling Act on July 1.
You found the words for what I felt in reaction to The Salute, and what I think it presaged for the coming months. Was it intended as a Nazi salute? Was it intended as an awkward my heart-goes-out gesture? The answer is: whatever you need it to have been in order to support your increasingly personal reality and feel *inarguably* correct.
The fact that the media coverage that exists is mostly reporting the order as halted when it's actually not is extremely unnerving. As is the radio silence from Congress, even though it's their powers he's shitting on and steamrolling. The lack of clarity combined with the lack of urgency is giving me the kind of slow motion sensation you get right before impact in a really bad collision. Our functional democracy has been dropped into the abyss but we won't be told what the results are until the echo sounds. Too late.