First, I was struck by Mark Andreessen using the term accelerationism. Wondering if he is aware (betting he is) of the accelerationist movement in Chrustian Nationalist circles? And the Calvinist doctrine of predestination has a long history of being used as a cudgel and an excuse to abuse people's and cultures bc if your name wasn't "written in the book of life before the founding of the world" you are doomed to perdition and hell. IOW you aren't in the club and can never get in (unless of course you are able to secure start up $$$.)

Also the idea that money in and of itself confers virtue and morality and general "rightness" to a person of course also infersthe opposite, that poverty and want aren't a failure of society but a flaw in a persons character and therefore a just punishment for said flaws.

On a different note I recently watched the Black Mirror episode Joan is Awful which reminded me to always wade through the "terms and conditions" b4 hitting accept and also made me think of DOGE lawyer squad while reading bc DEAR GOD LAWYERS are the worst!

Anyway great second installment and can't wait for the next one. I always read AND tgen listen to the audio version just to hear the horror in your voice when you describe the idiocy of so much of DOGE and Elon and Trump and Vance and the beat goes on....

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That "Tech Optimist Manifesto" shit literally sounds like a cartoon villain. God damn.

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I don't know if part of their strategy is to be so frothingly over-the-top that anyone who tries to describe their beliefs sounds like an insane conspiracy theorist but if they are, it's brilliant and it works

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This is so good. Why am I not reading this elsewhere? Why are so much of the media, big mainstream media, sleep walking through the apocalypse? Why have the engines of political thought become so passive? An ordinary person might think it is all just business as usual and in four years normalcy will return. I'm afraid not.

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Not make excuses for it, but the news is coming in so thick and fast that I don't think most outlets have time to catch their breath. Media companies are so severly understaffed already, I just don't think they have the bandwidth for it

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This is so good. Section 3) Legal Mafia really ties it all together. Thank you again for trying to see and describe the Beast

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The fairy tale about the Emporer's New Clothes did not prepare me for how bleak it actually is watching my fellow citizens cheer their own destruction with fist-pumping memes.

Thank you for shedding light on all of this when it's very tempting to look away.

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This is where a library is a useful thing. Copies of the constitution will be available. Before your week long Amazon boycott (7-14 March) order a copy of the Constitution …

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It does not assist that the Constitution of the US is no longer available on the appropriate federal website …

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Post actually reading it. Yeah they are going to do a coronation. Just a matter of timing and who holds the monopoly of loyaly violence.

Rule by Assassination is here. Stay safe.

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For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

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I didn't have time to read this right away, and now we learn that Amy Gleason did not sign up for this crazy train and has resigned. I'm sure she is still a Trump loyalist, that was not enough to make her vouch for Elon Musk's actions.

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