So peacocking PhDs aside, the tactic that you're describing in the end of the article has a name. It's called the Grey Rock method, and unlike CP I'll at least provide a link to an article on the concept.


The idea is that you respond to bullies, abusive people, toxic people, narcissists (assuming your physical safety isn't at risk), like a lump of grey rock. As un-stimulating and unengaging as you can. Since they're doing this to get emotional engagement out of you, and like you said in this case, the free publicity and adoration and relevancy that comes if they get cold-clocked, you deny them the benefit they're searching for.

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Holy shit I had no idea there was a word for this and Iove that there's a word for this and I'm going to read more about this

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But maybe you don't need to read more, though it is an apt reference for sure. You are it, companera.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

Yes, yes, yes! I so thoroughly agree with this. One thing that comes up for me, is the people who give these grifters what they want – the ones who punch them. I want this post to reach them.

But there are so many of them. The culture is so pervasive, because it's not just the puncher but all of the people who get so upset and yell back and give the grifters that attention.

Even this post, it feels like you had to start it with "look, I agree with you, punching them is justified" in order for your "but don't fucking do it" to even have a chance of getting through. It's like people don't care about the consequences of their actions, only about whether they can justify doing what they want to do. We talk about intent versus impact in other contexts, can we bring that to this discussion, too?

I think about "we take care of us" and what that means in this context. If your buddy is getting super triggered by some transphobe who wants to get punched, then maybe taking care of your buddy means pulling them aside and calming them down. If you're at a protest, and a group is getting angry, maybe de-escalation is how we take care of us.

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It's really, really hard. I feel like in just about every arena of life people are more focused on having that cathartic moment of justice than making the world better or thinking more than 5 seconds into the future

I've been trying to figure out how to write about this without being preachy

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

If one needs a cathartic moment, they had better go home and beat on a pillow, or maybe masterbate. And if you have to TRY not to be a dickhead, chances are you are one, and need to deal with that prickly pear before you start preaching. Reminds me of the time I was getting really comfy, that is filthy drunk, in a Montana bar that catered to cowboys, Indians, hippies, some college boys from Bozeman and folks like me who had a bit of it all and thought they were above it all. Well, a wrangler who had obviously had a hard day during calving season came in with some buddies and looked a bit messy as one does branding bawling calves and cutting off Rocky MTN oysters where appropriate. I was loose enough to say what I thought (without reflection) and made some dickhead remark like "Fall off your horse or something?" The guy got livid and had his buddies not dragged him off, I might have enjoyed my just rewards. Anyway, Jedeed you have been around the block a few times and understand the dicey spaces between dickheads better than most. One of my better influencers (a martial arts master) once said: " You talk peace, but what is in your hand?" Of course by "hand" he meant heart, and for me, ever a dickhead, it is an ongoing challenge. PostScript: I have seen lots of anti-war demonstrations where folks were as mad dog as those monsters in government they reviled. I was also at Rev. Martin Luther King's March on Washington where he gave the I HAVE A DREAM speech. It was a whole different climate of people who knew well how horrible violence is yet remained really peaceful no matter how mad dog others might act. Jedeed, you would have felt teary-eyed comfortable in that group, and your work with chuds, drunken soldiers and other living creatures shows it. Thanks for being another lovable Bozo on this madly out of control bus.

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If you think the leftist agenda is going to win without violence you’re mistaken, what kind of “anti-racist” “anti-fascist” society just permits people to say things that are racist/fascist from the lefts viewpoint?

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Nowhere else to really post this since I deleted twitter back in October but I heard about the Substack/twitter thing and you said this:

"I think it's because Musk clearly views writing as a valueless vanity project."

This is exactly the same energy as SBF had and it turned out he was a fucking fraud and idiot.

Courtesy of his impeccably timed puff piece (which if you haven't read it, you should because it is *howlingly* bad and a perfect example of the reality distortion fields these dipshits exert on people around them)



“Oh, yeah?” says SBF. “I would never read a book.”

I’m not sure what to say. I’ve read a book a week for my entire adult life and have written three of my own.

“I’m very skeptical of books. I don’t want to say no book is ever worth reading, but I actually do believe something pretty close to that,” explains SBF. “I think, if you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post.”


There's almost no daylight between your impression that Elon has disdain for any kind of writing and SBF thinking books are intrinsically failures of communication.

I look forward to you bailing on Le Twittre as I hate visiting it periodically to see what you're covering. I'd rather give Substack the traffic than Elmo at this point.

Oh and as for Taibbi, man that was a ride. I subbed to his substack back in the day and read Hate Inc and it legitimately changed how I engage with media, and now... Hell it wasn't even that long ago that he went from someone I appreciated to whatever the hell he is now.

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Oh my god, I heard about this piece but didn't read it and I will. I did hear that quote and it makes me sick. What an impoverished way to live life

Have you considered starting a substack? It's a stupid thankless thing to do but I really enjoy your comments and would enjoy reading them in article form

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Wow I'm really flattered. I uh... no I've never thought about it. I will though. Thank you for that.

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This whole... article? Thought piece? ...is based on the assumption that you are right, and Billboard Chris is wrong. That may not be the case, EVEN if you are really certain otherwise.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

for the record, the spencer facepunch clip very much shattered the illusion of this cool-guy, alt-right, fashionable-nazi vibe the press was basically creating out of whole cloth

the last six seconds of this clip show a beaten coward full of hot air, fleeing the fight. the kind of portrayal of fascists that they don't want shown.


Certainly, his involvement at UTR played a part in his discrediting, but to go off that, there's also his unhinged voice-cracking angry-racist-teenager rant that leaked in the year following that *also* really shattered the illusion this man was going to usher in an age of ice-cold-motherfucker fascism for the 21st century.

Getting physical with far-righties has a time and a place, but at least in the discourse, works best in clearcut defensive actions like this tackle and disarm out front of SCOTUS (https://twitter.com/1312press/status/1642640471460839424)

I will say that the Grey Rock method mentioned elsewhere in the comments works well for everyone who's not being an active physical danger, and if you pull it off, can be incredibly intimidating.

That said, folks should be aware of all the options we have, even if we leave them on the table most of the time.

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Tdlr: if you are rude , criminal assault is ok

(except Chris isn't rude and you aren't qualified to make this judgement - the law has draw the boundaries)

clown journalist writing her worthless opinions

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Author

Tell you what--go to your nearest dive bar, go up to the biggest guy in there, and tell him he's a pedophile. See how sorry people feel for you when you get smacked

This is the human condition. I'm sorry you're so poorly socialized that you don't understand that

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And in a society that still values the rule of law that person would be arrested and jailed for assault, without such provisions freedom

Of speech is meaningless

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By that very same logic, why dont YOU go to your nearest dime bar, stand infront of the biggest guys face screaming fuck off over and over inches from his face and see for youself where he puts his hand. Pray its only your collar.

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No, see, this analogy doesn't work because the woman in question didn't go to where Billboard Chris hangs out. He came to her event with an obnoxious sign so he could be rude to everyone there. Do you see how that's different?

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

So what your saying is if it was a conservative run event, and Chris is there with his billboard, and a person who doesn't like the words written on said billboard gets in his face that ONLY THEN, is Chris allowed to respond passively by raising a hand using body language to signal "no further" to an invasion of personal space and the threat of physical violence? The cognitive dissonance on display here is astounding. Simply perceiving someone as rude is not justification enough for physical violence.

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The fact pattern Laura is describing is going so far over your head it's leaving contrails.

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Excellent contribution.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Lol the people dedicated to mutilating your children want to cry about civility? The screeching mob who literally try’s to shut down and silence anyone who dare disagree, utilizing violence to do, so whines that a guy holding a sign is all the provocation necessary to be morally justified in using again violence ? Hey Laura if you are justified in punching bill board Chris for holding a sign you don’t like , what am I justified in doing to the people who physically trashed my community ?

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Author

This is the real problem. The right had convinced their base that trans people are all criminals hellbent on hurting your children and therefore all things are permitted against them. Saying it out loud is, at least, honest

Trans people are not out to mutilate your children and if you people had either the inclination or the ability to do research on the subject you would quickly see this. I have an article coming out soon that goes into details

Finally, your Portland histrionics are very boring and very silly, since a) I did not break a single window or throw a single punch and b) most of the Portland antifascist community hates me more than you do. I don't mind dissent in the comments, but if you continue to lie about my past I'm going to ban you permanently because it is exhausting to be accused of both secret fascism AND secret participation in burning Portland to the ground or whatever story you're telling currently

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

Sometimes to respond is the thing is great, and Lord knows you have tried. Ignoring is another strategy to defuse provocatures. But in the case at issue with "payback" I can see how cutting him off from his feeding trough may be appropriate, and he has been asked politely.

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I know nothing about you and had never heard of you until I saw your thread attacking "Billboard Chris" and nonsensically/irrationally justifying the violent attacks on him. Your opening analogy was also weak and off the mark, as far as proper/effective analogies go -- which a writer/journalist should appreciate.

I am a clinical psychologist who has also taught Psychology of Human Sexuality and Gender of Psychology more than 100 times over the past 20+ years at 3 different universities (in addition to 18 other courses 100 more times). I have worked with many people who identify as Transgender, Non-Binary, and virtually every other letter under the rainbow. I have spoken countless times on TV, radio and podcasts about these issues.

I have the knowledge and experience to discuss these issues in an accurate, comprehensive and compassionate manner. Whereas you correctly point out the "hysteria" on "the right," you ignore the *fact* that Trans "activists" and their "allies" have been able to facilitate or force some very unhealthy changes to the way we think about and treat the aforementioned issues.

That is why more and more governments, hospitals, medical organizations, etc are putting the brakes on their unethical and/or incompetent claims and practices in European countries that are far more open-minded about such matters than the US has been historically.

Canada, unfortunately, is taking a reckless approach that is *not* backed by credible science/research/evidence. I know this for *fact* because I am immersed in these issues due to my commitment to best practices and serving the public -- including every individual who walks through my clinic doors. I am in close contact with many experts in the field and with even more former and current Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Diverse people and their families.

I trust you will accept/acknowledge that your piece and your stance regarding Chris is replete with bias and lacking in any nuance. If you *truly* want to do some good, please step back, ground yourself, and engage with others in good faith; otherwise, you are merely doing what you are accusing everyone else of doing re. provoking others -- except that you are doing it online instead of in person.

Such *projection* is a key component of the pernicious tactic of *gaslighting*, which (primarily) malignant narcissists utilize. To be clear, I am not accusing you of being a narcissist, nor diagnosing you as such (which would be unethical). I am simply describing your behaviour and explaining what it can look like.

With respect to what happened at the Vancouver event, yes, Chris did begin to grab the Trans person's clothes in the chest area when he turned around and saw that person was inches from his face, repeatedly screaming extremely loudly -- as that individual had been doing for a while beforehand. Given the proximity of that person and given the volume at which that person was shouting in Chris's direction/face -- not to mention the violent mob around him who had already assaulted him and others a few times only a short while before -- I am certain that police will eventually conclude that Chris was acting in self-defence. He did not strike the person nor assault that person in any way. The same cannot be said for the individual who physically assaulted Chris.

I hope that you will be able to ground yourself and return to this matter when you are in a better place or state of mind to review what happened in its entirety and with honesty and integrity.

All the best.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

So, if you are just arguing from authority, I'm a full professor (with tenure) at a top 3 medical school. I review promotion packets weekly. I don't buy your cv for one second.

Also, you are completely incorrect.

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This is an excellent example of the AESTHETIC of rationality without anything to back it up

Observe that this very long comment barely engages with the argument I'm making. Instead, he delivers an extremely long but oddly generalized critique of gender science, which this article does not discuss at all

Observe also that when, at last, he engages with the meat of the article--when protest violence is justified--he does not address any of the arguments I made. He does not address the allegation that Billboard Chris shows up at these events specifically to provoke and punch, he does not address the idea that rudenss comes at a cost: he simply repeats the most basic-bitch arguments we're seeing on Twitter right now.

But he does all of these things in an incredibly rational and measured tone in hopes that you won't notice how content-free it is

Very instructive. Thank you

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If you do not delete my Comment, I will respond to your response after I am done with patients later tonight.

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Don't worry, I won't: the fellow who got banned today is only the second person to ever get banned in the history of this substack and it happened because he's been spamming my posts with low-quality nonsense for like a week

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Quick point in between patients:

Your entire premise falls apart if you cannot answer why Chris should not have a right to express his views in the same place in which people are promulgating beliefs and practices that he believes – rightfully so – are harming an ever-increasing number of some of the most vulnerable young people in society.

To help you out, imagine a group of parents who oppose radical and *dubiously* supported hormonal/surgical interventions are congregating in a park, expressing their *valid* concerns about the extreme and life-ruining harm that such procedures have been *proven* to cause a certain proportion of the population. This group includes a) parents who have had such horrific harm perpetrated against their own children/family members, and b) the very people whose lives have been ruined by said procedures. In the park, two Trans people wearing signs that state “KILL TERFS” and “DESISTANCE IS NOT REAL (OR EXTREMELY RARE AND ALMOST ALWAYS DUE TO SOCIAL PRESSURE, *NOT* GENUINE REGRET)” decide to stand beside this group.

Should the group be allowed to surround, intimidate, threaten and violently assault those two Trans people? By your logic, the answer is yes.

Please confirm of disconfirm.

Will check back later.

And to be clear, I have stated publicly – perhaps over 150 times – that I believe that hormones and/or surgery are the *only* interventions that can help *some* people with Gender Dysphoria. I have supported my patients who have gone this route. So please do not try to misconstrue my words regarding the *proven* risks associated with such practices for a certain proportion of the people who seek them out.

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What you are saying is that you prefer people you can easily hate instead of someone who is complicated

What I am saying, to you, is goodbye. Have fun being miserable

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On the up shot he did put you in the same strata as Robert Evans. There are worse clubs to be in.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

“you used my communities suffering to build your career”

That’s like saying Edward R. Murrow used the London Blitz to build his career. Bit of a stretch.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Laura Jedeed

"Eradicate values."

Be specific. What values are those? The issue with gender affirming care has nothing to do with values or ideology anymore than a flu shot has to do with your personal feelings about vaccination.

Peer-reviewed research conducted by qualified medical professionals has determined an effective treatment for Gender Dysphoria, as identified in the DSM V.

Anything else is just a wild narrative built on partisan tribalism. Have the courge to recognize that you're not qualified to have medical opinions.

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